Tuesday 28 October 2014

On Being a "Social Justice Warrior", clad in the armour of a "White Knight"

So, you've spent some time observing the fallout of the #GamerGate movement.
You've seen the vast spectrum of hatred, insults, threats, doxxes, and general shit fits being thrown for various reasons.
You've read the stories of people supposedly being driven from homes out of fear for their safety.
You've heard the ever-present claim that "it's about ethics in journalism."

You've seen all that. You've thought about all that.
And you've decided that you think GamerGate is full of it. You decide you won't support GG.
You think that it's wrong for people to have such bile thrown at them in the name of "ethics". You think that it's absurd for people to act so barbaric, and hide behind a supposedly "noble cause". You think that the sheer amount of negativity surrounding the "GamerGate" name has made its supposed goals irrelevant. You think that it's wrong to doxx people who disagree with the supposed "causes" behind GamerGate. You think that it's wrong to subject women who speak up against Gamergate to a barrage of insults threatening them with injury, rape, and/or death because they don't agree with others. You think that it's wrong to make them afraid to go home. You think that it's wrong to retaliate against someone so viciously simply because they disagree... and they happen to be a woman (or any other "visible minority").

You've just declared yourself a member of the world-renowned, GG-condemned, ranks of the "Social Justice Warriors"! If your opposition is of a particular variety, you may even be fortunate enough to receive the honourable "white knighting" badge!

*inhales, exhales*
*sips tea to calm down*

Now that I've got that out...
As I just said, if you openly express your opposition, in any way, to #GamerGate, it's inevitable that some pro-GGer is going to come shambling in and attempt to insult you with the label "Social Justice Warrior", or "SJW" for short. This appears to be the "insult de jour" for many in the pro-GG camp - an attempt to humiliate in silence those who would stand against them, express their opposition to the sexism that's so rampant in GG, and/or say they disagree with GG's supposed goals.

You Might Be a SJW If:
  • You believe that sexism has no place in the gaming community
  • You stand in support of those who have been victimized by the hate mobs in GG
  • You're in favour of AND/OR have no issue with more diversity in video games
  • You're against the exclusion/marginalization of women, homosexuals, minorities, etc. in video games/the gaming community
  • You're opposed to the doxxing/harassment of anti-GGers such as Quinn, Wu, and Sarkesian
  • You openly express your opposition to the actions of pro-GGers, or GG itself
  • You point out the uncouth actions of people within the movement as evidence that GG's supposed aims are partially/totally untrue, or just a "cover"
  • If you simply oppose GG in general

And how about that other glorious label that gets thrown around? "White knighting"? What does it mean when some doofus decides to chuck that gem at you?
It's been around long before GamerGate ever was, but its meaning remains the same. It refers to a poster (presumably male) who comes to the aid of another poster (presumably female), with the expectation that they will receive some form of sexual favour in return for "coming to the rescue" of this presumed "damsel in distress". Because that's why men want to help - SEX!
Some people in the #GamerGate camps will throw this one out whenever someone comes to the defence of someone like Quinn, Sarkesian, Wu, et al. Because, of course, the only reason that any man would want to oppose the sexism that's become so much a part of #GamerGate, the only reason that any of us would want to come to the defence of these women, and the only reason that any of us would be willing to stand up and say "Treating women like this is wrong"... is because we want to end up in bed with Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkesian, Brianna Wu, or any combination of the three, along with any other women who've been victimized by sexism in the Gaming community.
That's right, folks:
Every time I tell off someone for remarking about Zoe Quinn's supposed sex life - it's because I want to fuck her.
Every time I tell someone to back off when they threaten to shoot Anita Sarkesian - it's because I want to "get my freak on" with her.
Every time I tell someone to cut it out when they threaten to cripple Brianna Wu - it's because I want her, no clothes, with me.
Yes, you've hit the nail on the head - Any time I "defend" a woman online, it's because I want to re-enact some utterly ridiculous (and possibly painful to all parties involved) "moves" I saw in a porno flick a few years back.

You sir, are full of shit. Take a ton of laxatives, and get back to me when your arse stops aching.

*sigh, sips tea*
Damn, it's gone cold...
*chugs the rest, sets a new pot to boil*

Look, I like sex just as much as the next guy. I like beautiful, sexy women just as much as any guy (or any women who "swing that way"). And when I am "in bed" with a lady - cool.
But if you think that the only reason I'm willing to say that "you're an asshole for treating women like shit" is because I want to have sex with them?
Do me a favour - upend a cup of tobacco spit on your head, jump into a septic tank, and sing "I'm a Little Teapot", followed by an hour of shrieking like a chimpanzee. It'll make you look and sound even more ridiculous than you originally did. Actually, it'll probably be a more accurate representation of who you really are.

You already know that I don't, won't, and can't support #GamerGate. In my previous post, I explained why.
And if you think that I'm insulted and/or embarrassed when some pro-GG goofball decides to call me a "SJW"... well, you'd be wrong. I'm not going to back off and run away weeping because someone thought it'd be clever to call me that.
I take that label with pride. Where's my medal? I want me a big-ol Olympics style gold medal with the letters "SJW" emblazoned on the front! And I want the chain to be the colours of the rainbow! YOU HEAR ME? THE COLOURS OF THE FUCKING RAINBOW!

So if your only response to my non-support of GamerGate, and my condemnation of the hatred being spewed towards women from people within the "movement"... is to attempt to insult me as a "White Knighting Social Justice Warrior"...
... just go home, cuz you've basically admitted that you've got nothing else. You've already lost.

Malcom Tucker demands that you take a time out:

Now if you'll excuse me, the kettle's boiling again.

@femfreq @TheQuinnspiracy @spacekatgal @feliciaday
#GamerGate #GamerHate #StopGamerGate2014 #GamersAgainstGamerGate

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